Saturday, 18 February 2012

Every bloke needs a day off

Had a days fishing with a couple of mates on Friday. This is Esthwaite Water right next to Windermere and just outside of Hawkshead.
Had a great day mainly consisting of us taking the mick out of each other for being crap at fishing, then this old girl turned up !
22 Lb`s of angry muscle which took about 15 mins to get in the boat.
I also started some 1st earlies off in the greenhouse last week and some sweet peas. I also got sent a load of heirloom tomato varieties from a nice lady in Wales. They were sown in the propogator yesterday.
Back to work ! The boxes for the long roots are now done and are going up the allotment this morning. Sand delivery this week I think !

Monday, 13 February 2012

Boxes Boxes Boxes...........

Been using my considerable joinery skills !!! making the long carrot and parsnip boxes for the drums to sit on. I`m glad now that I knocked down my old shed or these would have cost a furtune to make. As it is, they cost the price of a couple of boxes of screws.
Not too shabby if I say so myself


The sieve has been working overtime in the last week. Got my 1st 60 litre batch mixed up for the long and stump carrots. It`s looking pretty good I have to admit. Seed order also arrived from Medwyns with dribs and drabs mainly for the allotment.

Tuesday, 7 February 2012

I Got Verve !

I bought some cheapo Verve Multipurpose compost from B&Q at the weekend. I need to get some sweet peas sown in the next few weeks and it was 3 for a tenner so I got some.
Decided to use some for my carrot mixes for a couple of local shows I`m doing this year and it looked ok before I put it through a sieve. The first time through a 1/4" mesh produced a result "Time Team" would have been proud of. Twigs, lumps of wood, stones and what looked like a partially composted worm. It turns out that "Verve" is French for "full of shit"
After it went through a 1/32" mesh it was actually very nice stuff but I only ended up with 38 litres out of a 60 litre bag